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But that doesn’t mean you won’t feel challenged, pushed, and activated. 

We strongly and deeply believe in feminine power - specifically the power of female athletes, women in business and the career focused woman.

Here, women vibrate on a different wavelength.  

No matter who you are, you can expect the following: 


Dreams - we pour gasoline on all those flames. You don’t get dreams that aren’t meant for YOU. Your desires are on your heart for a reason. You will experience freedom and creativity that allow you to design the life and business of your dreams.


Action - Opportunity dances for those who are already on the dance floor - not those who are watching from their seats. You will start to dance, metaphorically speaking (but hey, feel free to cut a rug, girl). And by dance, we mean taking actions to move you from where you’re at RIGHT NOW to exactly where you want to BE in 6 months, 12 months, or 5 years. Motivation tools are our specialty. 


Expansion - thoughts are to your mind as gasoline is to a car. You’re either moving in the direction of your growth or you’re idle with thoughts that are keeping you stuck. You will learn how your thoughts shape your life whether you’re a woman who desires to be the CEO of your company, you’re an athlete who wants to compete in the biggest collegiate state, or you’re a woman who desires to sell from your soul in a business of your own. 

As I’m writing this, I can’t help but remember feeling so helpless and stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts back in 2017. When I hired my first life coach, it changed my world — for the better. I met my fiancé, won two back-to-back SEC Softball Championships, took Paige Rene Coaching full time and I travel the country speaking to women with the same desire for growth and expansion. This journey is why I know you are capable of even more than you can imagine right now. Let’s take the first step.


Ben & Jerry's, Saatchi & Saatchix, PaperClouds, Kate's Financial Services, Kokoro Sport Performance, Made to Move, Cowbell Creative
Hey there!


   Human Design: Generator
   Enneagram: 7/8
   Zodiac Sign: Taurus
   Shoe Size: 10

Read my story  ➝

I’ve been an entrepreneur for nearly 5 years now. As a High-Performance Coach, I’ve worked with 1,000s of women guiding them directly to the results they desire. Women start businesses, leave their full-time jobs and create new streams of income for themselves and their families.

My success is MOSTLY from my background in athletics. I have mastered the opposite of overwhelm—focus. My very first sales call turned into my very first client back in 2018 and despite 7 “no’s” in a row after that, I focused on one thing - sharing my business with everyone and their mom…and aunt and grandma and mail lady.

What a lot of coaches in this world don’t share is that the entrepreneurship journey can be a roller coaster of emotions with a ton of highs and lows. Luckily, I have 11 years of collegiate softball experience, which is a sport of  A LOT of “failure.” When you reach base 3 out of 10 times you step to the plate, that’s considered a success. Those 7 dreadful times when you “fail” can really derail you. So I know a thing or two about navigating an emotional rollercoaster. 

For a while, I tried to ride this roller coaster on my own. If you’re Type A like me, you know what I’m talking about. “I’ll figure it out.” But that made the ride that much more wild. And even worse? I wasn’t feeling good about myself or my business so that showed in my energy. And my audience felt that too. Yucky.

I joined a mastermind in 2019 that changed my life and the trajectory of my business. I learned that it was CRUCIAL to lean on other high-performing women for support. I learned weekly consistency and accountability was exactly what I needed to stay magnetic to the results I wanted in my business.

I would not be living my absolute dream without the mastermind experience.

There are obviously highs and lows in this journey of life but I so deeply know how to get results no matter what obstacle stands in the way and I’m here to help you do exactly that.

Paige is an awesome coach - she has a style of conversation that encourages action and strength. In addition to being an awesome mindset coach, she made many business-focused recommendations [...] You can tell that she really listens and cares for each and every person in her group. All in all, I am so thankful that I joined this group.

– Grace H.

As a new business owner, I can get very easily overwhelmed by all of the things that have to be done along with the things that I aspire to do to make my business more successful. Paige really helped me hone in on capitalizing on my strengths to get focused on how to move the needle forward. Nothing was ever off the table in our conversations- no matter how personal it was and how it related to my leadership in my new business. I am a very emotional person and Paige really helped me learn how to use that side of myself as a good tool in my business instead of looking at that characteristic of mine as a negative thing. She really helped me have a fun new perspective on my leadership that I would’ve never had at this point in my career without her!

– Camryn C.

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